Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Chapter 77 Willow May

  Reeve Kenneth stood in the road near the brothel.  He was not here for the....typical reason.  How does one approach a brothel when one does not intend to....
  A little girl jumped out from behind the low stone wall.
  "Hello there.  Ye wouldn't happen to know a little girl named Willow, would ye?"
  The girl gave a little shrug.
  "That's me, I'm Willow!"
  Kenneth was very disappointed.  If there was one bit of wealth the Woods had, it was their golden hair.  He had it, his Elle had it, both his sons as well.  Surely any granddaughter would be blessed with gold framing her face.
  "I'm sorry.  I'm....mistaken."
  Willow seemed puzzled.
  "I thought Willow would be...someone else."
  Willow raised her dark brows.
  "Well I'm jest Willow."
  Then she scampered off.  Kenneth walked home, stunned.  For in that moment, when she lifted her brows he had seen.
  Willow's eyes are just like his.

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