Friday, November 2, 2012

Chapter 53 In Her Dreams

  Deep in the night Winifred Sanders visited his wife in her dreams.

  "Winifred, dear husband."
  "We haven't time for that."
  "You always had time for me."
  "Honey, it's Clover."
  "Clover sleeps, as do I.  Where else could I see my dead husband."
  Honey slipped into Winifred's arms.  He held her there.
  His lips brushed her ear as he prepared to whisper into it.
  A cozy smile spread over her face as she awaited sweet nothings.  Winifred could feel that smile.  She hadn't smiled quite that way since he'd been alive.  He hated to take it from her now.
  "There is no saving her Honey."
  "Saving who?" she murmured, still content in his arms.
  He put his hands through her honey sweet hair, unbraided in her dream.  She sighed softly.  A tear fell from the dead man's eye.  He did not want to deliver her more heart ache.  'Twas better he tell her before her own eyes.  At least this time he could give her that.  He knew he shouldn't linger so, but it is true; there is no saving her.  Winifred held her tighter, a full bear hug.
  Clover.  The name echoed in her mind.
  Honey felt it.  That feeling....when Winifred is near.'s true.
  Honey cried piteously before running to see.
  Just as he said, she could not be saved.  Thus perished the last member of her family.

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