Sunday, July 29, 2012

Chapter 35 The Wailing

  Despite her initial fright an urge to follow her husband seized Honey.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Chapter 34 Honor Me Ma

  There he is.  The young monk shifted uncomfortably.  The gypsy must be waiting for him too.  Perhaps if I tell her she will come back later?

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Chapter 32 The Peasant and the Royal

  Ah...there she be.  Is there anything so fine in this world as a woman?
  "Queen Yolanda?"
  See how she turns slowly at my call?  Of all the women I've dated since my late wife Elle, Queen Yolanda Patel is by far my favorite.

Chapter 31 Kissing Boys

  Goldilocks went straight from the Frell's house to home.  She fled up the stairs hoping she went unnoticed.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Chapter 30 I Must Hesitate No More

  She is here as she often is.  But today is different.  Today I am going to kiss her.  I will walk right up to her and place my lips upon hers.
  Francis stood frozen to the spot.
  Why did I think this was a good idea again?

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Chapter 29 Put Your Heart at Ease

  She seems happy enough.  But is she?  Is she really?  Is she just making the best of things?  Will it be like this for me?  We are both merchant women...but I will not remain that way.  Promised to a fisherman...mama says if papa arranged it he thought it best.  I wish he could tell me why marrying a peasant boy I've never met is best for me.  What am I supposed to make of it?  Will we be impoverished all our lives?  Will we love each other?  If there is one thing I remember of my papa it is how he loved my mama.  I have great doubt I will ever meet a man who loves any woman as much as papa loved mama.  Even as he lay dying he called her to his side, begging her often to lean close that he might kiss her.  Will I ever be loved like that?  Is Esmerelda sorry she married this Reeve?
  Unconsciously Clover Sanders edged closer.

Chapter 28 We Are All Children of God

  Shannon works in the Morse home with Mother Teresa.  'Working for others is good for the soul,' the nun had said.  To Shannon it was all play.  Being the groom for a spoiled cat and dog is only the best job ever.  She would take this over toiling at the convent any day.
  "You are such a pretty kitty."  Shannon listened closely.  She looked over her shoulder.  "I met my brother not so long ago.  I didn't know he was my brother, or that I even had one.  Have you ever met any kittens from your litter?"
  The noble cat stood prim and proper, listening intently.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Chapter 27 May as Well Be Peasants

  "I have arranged for us to live in the cottage on the left.  It is the closest to the pond.  Father Patrick will be our fish monger, so we'll have his best fish each day he fishes here.  We can still live among the peasants, but we shall have more shared land."
  Esmerelda didn't find the move quite so rosy.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Chapter 26 Frell Brothers Leave Childhood Behind

  She approaches!  Goldilocks Sanders, young, available, good birthing hips, and she approaches me.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Chapter 25 A Nobleman's Prayer

  In Rosewood everyone pays rent to their lord save the king himself.  Even future princes would pay to the king if they move out of the castle.  The nobles pay rent to the king, the merchants pay rent to their nobles, and the peasants pay rent to their merchants.
  Each person pays for their home upon moving in, owning it as well as one who serves the king can own land.  The king will often give a one time allowance according to class when one moves out on their own for the first time.  After that if one cannot pay, one sells their place and finds a smaller one.  For those who cannot pay even this amount, there is double rent housing.
  In double rent housing one does not pay a one time fee when moving in.  Instead they pay a much smaller fee, but it is a rent that is collected.  This does not wave the fee to ones lord, thus it is double rent.
  The peasant man Kenneth Woods lives in such housing, being a peasant who fell into hard times.  Reeve Frell and his family live there too "for as Reeve it is best to live among the peasants" or so the Reeve claimed when he moved in.  There is one noble who recently moved into this housing as well.  He has no such excuses, he is neither peasant nor Reeve.  He quietly studies his Bible while his sons are at school.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Chapter 24 The Eldest Princess in All the Land

  "But Ann, mother said to practice our music.  She did not say we could skip rope instead."
  "That's Princess Ann.  I will skip rope and you will play the piano.  That will be the music."
  "You have to practice music too Princess Ann."
  "Is that any way to talk to the eldest princess in all the land?"